Shallow Creek Nurseries

2008 Fruit Tree Catalogue
"Home Made" Jams &Jellies
Our Rabbits and Chickens
Health Benefits of Fruit / Interesting Links
Our Test Orchard
Contact Us
2008 Order Form
Our 5yr. old granddaughter Emily helping us pick
Our 2007 honeyberry crop was excellent and tastey. Looking forward to 2008
Welcome to our web site!

Here at Shallow Creek Nurseries we are known as the hardy fruit tree growers. We can help you:

- start the fruit orchard that you've always wanted 
- enjoy a colorful, aromatic, fruit producing landscape 
- improve the beauty of your gardens

- attract butterflies, honeybees and hummingbirds

It starts with only 'one' FRUIT TREE!

Our tree nursery is expanding every year.  Since fruit production from our own orchard has increased, we decided to process a variety of fruit preserves.  That line of preserves has grown to a brand new inspected kitchen, farmer market sales and orders from the US and Europe.  We are thrilled by the success!

We grow and sell a wide variety of fruiting trees, shrubs, bushes and vines, some requiring special care and others very little fuss. In our orchard you'll find Saskatoons, Raspberries, Strawberries, Gooseberries, Jostaberries, Chokecherries, Grapes, Kiwis, Apples, Plums, Sour Cherries, Apricots, Nankings, Chums, Currants, Pincherries, Cranberries and of the course the "NEW' tasty Honeyberries. These species are offered in different varieties and sizes for your choice.  At Shallow Creek Nurseries we sell only hardy selections of plant material, suitable for zone 1, 2 and 3 climates.  We personally test all varieties in our own orchard and garden. It is fun testing new fruit selections to see if another proven winner can be added to the list.  Although the hardiness factor of each species may be the most important feature, the fruit must also be tasty and the tree appealing. 

Customer satisfaction is most important to us. You'll find in 2008 our nursery has expanded to include perennials, shrubs and ornamentals that will compliment the fruit tree choices you make for your gardens and orchards.  Visit our nursery and shop for the hottest new fruiting trees or discover a new drought tolerant rock garden plant perfect for your garden spot. 

Let us help you plan the perfect landscape design that is both edible and beautiful.

Our Test Orchard

Feature selection right now is sour cherry jam.  Contact us for sale price.


Check out our great prices!

Our preserves are very popular at the farmers markets!!
We are pleased to offer Shallow Creek jams, jellies, syrup and pie fillings.. These preserves are made fresh and contain 100% real fruit and fruit juice. Presently we offer preserves processed from familiar prairie fruits such as Chokecherries, Saskatoons, Raspberries, Strawberries, Rhubarb, Blueberries, Red & Black Currants, Crab Apples and Nanking Cherries.  We have expanded to now include varieties processed from newer prairie fruits such as Josta Berries, Sour Cherries, Honeyberries and Chums.  As yields increase, we will offer preserves made from plums, pincherries, elderberries, and kiwis. 
**Look forward to ever changing varieties and combinations for every taste bud.  New for 2008- fruit salsas and a remake of old pioneer jellies.  Enjoy! 

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Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list for sales and specials!

You can e-mail us at:

Our Location

Shallow Creek Nurseries * Ardrossan, AB * ph:780-922-0271

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