Our Grandaughter Emily wanted bunnies for her birthday and of course grandpa couldn't say no, so now add raising
rabbits to our already busy work load.
We had to get one boy and one girl so you know what's going to happen. They sure are cuddly and very soft to hold. Emma
helps us feed them every weekend and gets to hold them while grandpa cleans the cages.
Other than these times, grandma pretty much raises them.
We didn't realize that rabbit droppings were such good natural fertizer. We had to do some research into the
use of the manure we were gathering every weekend.
We found out that rabbit droppings are the richest of all barnyard animal manures, containing 2.4 percent nitrogen, 1.4
percent phosphorous and .6 percent potassium. That's nearly three times as nutrient rich as any other manure on the market
(with the possible exception of bat guano), and a really good reason to consider getting a rabbit. Rabbits are fun to play
with and will provide you with all the fertilizer you can use.