Amelanchier alnifolia
Honeywood- Flowers
later than the other cultivars ( 4 - 8 ) days later. It's stouter size ( 8 - 10 ft.) and larger fruit make it an excellent
variety to grow. Yields 9 - 15 berries per cluster. Excellent full tangy flavour.
Martin - This variety has been derived from the 'Thiessen'
but with more uniformed ripening . Very large and tasty berries.
Nelson - Another later bloomer making it good for early frosts. This
tree grows to approx. 5 feet tall, making it an excellent choice if planting space is limited, or their
is a desire for a shorter shelterbelt or hedge. Fruit up to 13mm. with a good tangy flavour. Our favorite
at Shallow Creek.
Northline - Very productive and occupies an increasing proportion of the
commercial berry industry. Has a full flavour that we know you'll love. Grows 8 - 10 feet tall when mature and bears
fruit up to 16mm. in diameter. A good choice!
Smokey - The most popular cultivar to date. Grows 10 to 12 feet, with fruit
up to 14mm. in diameter. Good mild flavour and an excellent producer.
Thiessen - Much favoured for u-pick operations because of the large fruit
(17mm.). Flowers a few days earlier than the other varieties. A very good producer with some uneven ripening. An excellent
juicy selection.
Order form and sizes available
for 2009 will soon be available.