Shallow Creek Nurseries

Vaccinium- Blueberry

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Acidic loving Blueberries are an excellent shrub for deep pots on the patio. 

Blueberries - Vaccinium

NorthBlue - Vaccinium 'northblue'

Blueberries require acidic soil to perform well.  The Northblue produces dark blue, large blueberries.  A good flavour, wonderful for fresh eating.  Produces mid to late summer.

Height:  1m / 3 ft                   Spread:  1m / 3 ft                   Flowers:  White


NorthCountry - Vaccinium 'northcountry'

Large fruit with a more light blue color.  Distinct mild flavour.  Early producer.  Although self fertile, blueberries produce higher yields when two different varities are planted together.  By choosing two different types, you can also pick the fruit at different times to extend the growing season.

Height:  1m / 3 ft                 Spread:  1m / 3 ft                    Flowers:  White


" Do not attempt to grow blueberries unless you have high acidic soil. We've been unsuccesful at trying to grow them in our test plots for a few years and get no more than a handful of blueberries each year. We will keep trying different growing techniques and will update you if we find a good method"



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